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  • >>> '"Yes," they said.' '"Yes," they said.' >>> "\"Yes,\" they said." '"Yes," they said.' >>> '"Isn\'t," they said.' '"Isn\'t," they said.' В интерактивном...
    21 КБ (1226 слов) - 13:18, 11 сентября 2023
  • does), traverse adds an extra layer of context on the top of the structure. Said in another way, traverse allows for effectful traversals − traversals which...
    20 КБ (1892 слова) - 16:12, 16 апреля 2020
  • 'doesn\'t' "doesn't" >>> "doesn't" "doesn't" >>> '"Yes," he said.' '"Yes," he said.' >>> "\"Yes,\" he said." '"Yes," he said.' >>> '"Isn\'t," she said.' '"Isn\'t...
    366 КБ (27 420 слов) - 04:50, 12 октября 2022
  • символы, строки и булевские величины. Примеры литералов: 0, 1.0e10, 'x', "he said "hi!"" или true. Идентификаторы могут быть двух видов. Они начинаются либо...
    267 КБ (21 297 слов) - 06:17, 25 июня 2019
  • 'doesn\'t' "doesn't" >>> "doesn't" "doesn't" >>> '"Yes," he said.' '"Yes," he said.' >>> "\"Yes,\" he said." '"Yes," he said.' >>> '"Isn\'t," she said.' '"Isn\'t...
    333 КБ (24 856 слов) - 15:49, 16 апреля 2020
  • compilers. YOU SHOULD KNOW Conky is generally very good on resources. That said, the more you try to make Conky do, the more resources it is going to consume...
    8 КБ (27 522 слова) - 16:10, 16 апреля 2020
  • (мы); yu (ты/вы); ta (он/она), lu (он), ela (она) , li (они). (напоминание: t произносится с придыханием, буква y обозначает безударный i) ta - общее местоимение...
    21 КБ (1161 слово) - 07:17, 10 января 2019
  • 'doesn\'t' "doesn't" >>> "doesn't" "doesn't" >>> '"Yes," he said.' '"Yes," he said.' >>> "\"Yes,\" he said." '"Yes," he said.' >>> '"Isn\'t," she said.' '"Isn\'t...
    366 КБ (27 443 слова) - 20:34, 3 ноября 2020
  • by means of the presentation and the context meaning, a machine or better-said software is unable to. In 1996 a team under the guidance of Jos Bosak attending...
    25 КБ (3398 слов) - 19:21, 1 февраля 2024