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    7 КБ (832 слова) - 04:44, 21 июля 2017
  • advantages for data management: Reuse: Information can be created once and reused many times. Flexibility: SGML documents can be published in any format. The same...
    25 КБ (3398 слов) - 19:21, 1 февраля 2024
  • bidirectional), and so may use more than one native operating system stream. Many of the examples in this section use class File, the only standard subclass...
    37 КБ (4625 слов) - 16:10, 16 апреля 2020
  • either on your root desktop or in its own win‐ dow. Not only does Conky have many built-in objects, it can also display just about any piece of information...
    8 КБ (27 522 слова) - 16:10, 16 апреля 2020
  • j]); FillRect(x0+i*w,y0+j*w,x0+(i+1)*w-w1,y0+(j+1)*w-w1); SetBrushColor(a[i1,j1]); FillRect(x0+i1*w,y0+j1*w,x0+(i1+1)*w-w1,y0+(j1+1)*w-w1); end; end. //...
    28 КБ (3693 слова) - 06:30, 9 июля 2020
  • substituted. If the format | sequence contains a precision, at most that many characters | will be copied. u | Treat argument as an unsigned decimal number...
    47 КБ (5650 слов) - 10:05, 25 января 2015
  • They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. В данном примере петли порождаются только для строк, оканчивающихся...
    96 КБ (7841 слово) - 14:45, 30 марта 2023
  • bidirectional), and so may use more than one native operating system stream. Many of the examples in this section use class File, the only standard subclass...
    1 КБ (53 021 слово) - 13:39, 28 апреля 2007